
Djuna Day is a Canadian artist working in wood.


Through her carvings, sculpture, and assemblages, Djuna explores themes of human interconnectedness, relationship and place. Working with a palette of blacks and whites, playing with light and shadow, and focusing on primary shapes and raw form, she creates compositions that ask the viewer to reassess their relationship to their environment and to consider the frailty of their existence in the larger universe.

Each piece is executed from an initial drawing. Once a plan is in place and work has begun she does not deviate from the original vision. The subsequent creation process is meditative, repetitive and often ritualistic, requiring the assembly of thousands of individual pieces of wood, or the carving of large surfaces over weeks of time. This is craft work and is done without thought for the overall composition but only for the precision of the placement of a piece within the whole. Once the process is complete, her focus zooms outward and an evaluation of the finished work is made. And she begins again.

Djuna lives in Toronto where she works from the cooperative wood studio she runs in the city's far west end. Her work is held in private collections across Canada and the United States.